Dry January sounds like a simple proposition: No alcohol. For 31 days. And some enthusiasts jump in without much planning – perhaps even hungover after a raucous New Year’s Eve.
There is no data to suggest that those people cannot abstain from drinking, said Dr. David Wolinsky, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine, who specializes in addiction. But starting the month with a few strategies in your back pocket — and with a clear definition of your goals — can help you make the most of the challenge.
“Most of the benefits of Dry January are probably attributable to the intention that you go into Dry January,” says Dr. Wolinsky. The challenge is not a stand-in for treatment for people with alcohol use disorders, he stressed, but those looking to get a fresh start in the year can benefit from the mental and physical reset it can offer. , and the opportunity to adopt new habits. For example, a 2016 study found that six months after Dry January ended, participants drank less than before.
We talked to Dr. Wolinsky and other experts about some strategies for a successful month.
Tell people about your plan.
One of the simplest steps is to spread the word to friends and family that you plan to take a month off, says Casey McGuire Davidson, a sobriety coach and host of “The Hello Someday Podcast,” which focuses on “sober-curious” topics. “.
Research has shown that accountability can play an important role in helping habits stick, and you can find a friend or partner to hang out with, Ms. Davidson. Even if you don’t, you might be surprised at how supportive people are of your cause (though she says you should only share it with people you trust).
“Dry January gives people a period of time when they can stop drinking with community and support,” he says, “without a lot of questions.” Ms. also recommended Davidson is reading books that may help you examine your relationship with alcohol, or listening to sobriety podcasts.
Identify your triggers.
Habits tend to be determined by certain environments or situations, explains Wendy Wood, a professor of psychology and business at the University of Southern California and the author of “Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Habits Positive Change That Lasts.”
For example, “you have a toothbrush ‘habit,'” he says. “Put your toothbrush in a certain spot. You tend to brush your teeth at about the same time in the morning in that spot.” Dr. Wood says that for many people, drinking habits are shaped in a similar way.
“Understanding where you typically drink, who you’re with, what you’re drinking, and interrupting those cues — disrupting the context in some way — is really critical to changing habits,” he says.
It can be helpful to write down observations throughout the month, says Dr. Wolinsky, who recommends three columns: What is the situation in which you want to drink? What did you think about drinking? And what did you do instead?
Look for friction points.
Putting extra time or effort into an activity that’s normally seamless for you — like pouring a glass of wine when you walk in the door after a long day at work — greatly reduces the likelihood of engaging in that behavior, said Dr. Wood. Something as simple as moving your wine glasses to the back of the cupboard can create enough friction to help you achieve your abstinence goal.
Similarly, Ms. recommended. Davidson to remove all alcohol from your home by January 1, or at least your favorite drinks.
“I’m a red wine girl,” she said. When she took a break from drinking — a break that lasted eight years — Ms. Davidson to his wife: “I can’t get anything at home. If it’s sitting on the counter, there’s no way I’m not going to pour myself a glass.”
Make a plan for self-care.
All experts recommend thinking about what you will do in the moments where you are drinking. So, instead of mixing a cocktail to relax before bed (which can disrupt sleep somehow), you can try taking deep breaths or making a cup of tea. It may take some trial and error to find satisfactory alternatives.
“Give yourself grace” in the coming weeks, says Khadi Oluwatoyin, founder of the Sober Black Girls Club. Take time to rest as much as you can. And don’t make too many New Year’s resolutions, he suggested; for example, doing Dry January while using a new diet can be a recipe for failure. There are people who slip just because of hunger, said Ms. Oluwatoyin: “Get something to eat!”
Recommended by Ms. Davidson to reward yourself, either at the end of each day or on the weekend. Fun activities or indulgences can help the month seem like less of a slog.
“It was a time of experimentation and curiosity,” he said. “Instead of going to the bar, can you get a pedicure or a massage on Friday night? Or get takeout sushi and plan a movie night with friends or your partner?” These “small changes” can give you something to look forward to.