Hasta donde saben los experts, la JN.1 no parece causar enfermedad grave en la majoria de las personas, aunque hasta un caso leve puede hacerte sentir “bastante mal durante three or cuatro días”, Schaffner pointed out. The symptoms of an infection by JN.1 are similar to those that cause previous variants of covid, including cough, fever, body pain and fatigue.
To protect against the infection and serious illness, the experts continue to recommend the use of masks, improve ventilation in interiors as long as possible, stay at home if you are sick and take the latest vaccine against covid.
The preliminary investigations show that the updated vaccines against the COVID-19 launched in September produce effective antibodies against the JN.1, which has a relationship, albeit distant, with the XBB.1.5 variant, for which the vaccines were designed. La gente tal vez no acumule tantos anticuerpos contra la JN.1 como para XBB.1.5, pero, de todos modos, los niveles derivencia reducir el riesgo.
“Entre quienes se contagiaron o se pusieron una dosis de refuerzo recentemente, la protección cruzada contra la JN.1 debiere ser bastante decente, según mostreun nuestros estudios de laboratorio”, indicated David Ho, virologist of the Universidad de Columbia que diri the research sobre la JN.1 and las vacunas contra la covid, la cual se publicó como un article en version preliminari a principios de diciembre. The rapid tests also continue to be a valuable tool, and the CDC affirms that the tests that are already in the market work well to detect the JN.1 variant.
There are indications that the cases of COVID-19 are increasing once again. La semana of the 10th of diciembre, at least 26.000 hospitals related to the coronavirus, and the increase of 10 from 23.000 semanas before. But the numbers of hospitalizations for covid are still much lower than during the peak of the first wave of ómicron in January 2022 and, until now, only half of what they were during the peak of the ‘tripledemia’ last winter, when there were cases of COVID-19, influenza and VRS at the same time.