Apple CEO Tim Cook on Wednesday arrived in Delhi after he launched India’s first Apple retail store in Mumbai. He is set to open the doors of the second retail store in the national capital on Thursday. Cook visited the Lodhi Art District and was fascinated by the creative wall art there.
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“Delhi’s Lodhi Art District is a wonderful public space. Congratulations to the St+art India Foundation and so many amazing artists for capturing Indian life so powerfully,” the Apple CEO said in a tweet, thanking one of the artists for showing how he designed his iPad murals.
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Earlier in the day, he also visited the Indian School of Design and Innovation and discovered how students there used Apple products in designing. “The Indian School of Design & Innovation is helping the next generation of creatives unlock their full potential. Thanks for sharing how you create amazing designs with the iPad!” he said.
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The brand’s first flagship store opened in Mumbai on Tuesday reflecting the tech giant’s interest in expanding in the country through investments. The Cupertino-based company’s plan to open its flagship store in India was earlier delayed due to Covid-19. “India has a wonderful culture and an incredible energy, and we are excited to build on our long history,” he said in a statement.